International recognition

International recognition

The project to repair and renew the corrosion protection system in portico cranes of Navantia Puerto Real received an international award for infrastructure projects from SSPC, The Society for Protective Coatings. This international award is given to the best projects...
Corrosion and painting blistering

Corrosion and painting blistering

Corrosion blistering can be classified in two main groups: osmotic and non-osmotic. Osmotic blistering can be caused mainly by: Surface soluble contaminants. Solvent retention in the coating. Contamination. Adverse environmental conditions. Non-osmotic blistering can...
Steel imperfections on the surface

Steel imperfections on the surface

Steel imperfections during production and assembly processes are very frequent and significantly affect surface preparation processes, coating applications and the durability of protective systems. In projects in which the high durability protective systems of the...
Failures related to coating specification

Failures related to coating specification

Some of the failures related to coating specification in a project can be caused for the lack of: Experience and technical knowledge of the specifier. Knowledge of the real environment in service. Clear and reasonable durability expectations. Proper selection of the...
Impact of corrosion in society

Impact of corrosion in society

The impact of corrosion can have catastrophic consequences and incalculable costs for the owners of the assets and society in general. Corrosion costs could be associated and classified according to the following: Replacement of structural elements, equipment and...