Optimiza has developed for its clients and end users in the industry its own standard for the study of corrosion and maintenance of the assets through corrosion and coating control methods in marine and industrial structures.
The standard consists of a specific ad-hoc programme for each client that guarantees savings in long-term maintenance to obtain a cost-efficient result for the service life of the structures.
The difference with other coating maintenance programmes or standards lies in the experience and technological capacity of Optimiza, along with the objectivity of the data obtained by an independent consultancy and laboratory. Our wish is that our clients and end users have accurate and objective information that helps them to make strategic decisions and leads to a cost-efficient maintenance plan throughout the life of the structures.
The outlines included in the standard are the following:
Optimiza has a digitalisation and information processing system that offers the client the opportunity to manage the data establishing a system for the analysis and processing of data in real time.
During 2019, clients from chemical, energy and naval industry have started to successfully implement Optimiza standard as part of their service life strategy in their assets.